National Plant Virus Network
The III Spanish meeting of the “National Plant Virus Network” will take place in the Region of Murcia during May 25-27th, 2022. Similar to previous occasions, this meeting aims to bring together all researchers and technicians in this field to share and present their research progress on the projects that were funded in the different National Programs for Scientific Research and Technology and Innovation (see Program section).
This meeting will be an excellent opportunity to gather professors, doctors, technicians, researchers from public and private organizations, professionals from the agricultural sector, administrations and companies from the agri-food and biotechnological sector in order to promote communication and stimulate the exchange of working experiences that allow either to consolidate or promote new collaborations around the plant virology topic.
The meeting will be covering a wide variety of questions in fundamental and applied aspects, bringing topics related to epidemiology and ecology, the search and development of resistance to diseases, the control and integrated management of pests and diseases, the study of molecular interactions virus- plant-vector and the development and use of viruses as biotechnological tools, among others. Additionally, other international researchers specialized in this field and complementary disciplines will be invited to present the main advances.
Cheers up! present your communication and be part of this inspiring meeting. The deadline for sending abstracts and communications ends the next 16 of march.
Attendance to the event will be in person and virtual.
Please, get into the inscription and submission sections to folow up.
More information, please contact with Organaizers: pglopez@cebas.csic.es