Red Nacional de Virus de Plantas
Will be opened from 1st December
Registrations close March 16, 2021
Registration fees: see table below!
The above fees include workshop registration, coffe-breaks and lunches during the conference.
Please note that the number of participants is limited to 150 persons.
Cancellation procedures:
Cancellations must be notified by email: renaviplant@agromarketing.es
Cancellation received after May 01th: 100% of penalties (no reimbursement).
Registration fees payment:
Two ways of payment (in € EURO):
- By credit card
- By bank transfer. Please indicate on the bank transfer order: Renaviplant/name of participant(s).
(including lunch-reception, one lunch and dinner meeting, farewell cocktail, coffee/drinks, and Murcia guided tour)
Students (PhD, Master) and Postdocs
180 €
Permanent research staff
250 €
Personnel from private companies
350 €
Online attendance
120 €
RENAVIPLANT will be offering a number of registration fee waivers to Student Attendees who are planning to give an oral presentation.
If you are applying for this waiver, submit your abstract, including a short explanation to determine eligibility, and do not register for the meeting until you have received notification.
Please, apply early if you wish to take advantage of these opportunities, before March 1.